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   Search of suppliers in China

Most an important point in the beginning of business with the Chinese companies is the correct choice of the supply contractor or the manufacturer.

Any dynamically developing company is interested in advancement of the goods or services, expansion of commodity markets and maintenance of the positive image. This purpose is reached including by search additional business of partners for the purpose of expansion of assortment of offered production and optimisation of a price policy of the organisation.

The Chinese manufacturers involve with set of the favourable moments in cooperation, and the main things, still, have the price factor. The economic success of China – is obvious. Already today the Chinese economy takes the fourth place in the world on a volume of output, and quality and reputation of the goods manufactured in China, grows. Accordingly huge growth of China opens the big prospects before its partners.

Most an important point in the beginning of business with the Chinese companies is the correct choice of the supply contractor or the manufacturer. It is very difficult to any customer to estimate far off conformity of promises of some supply contractor and its real possibilities.
One of effective ways of a finding of the supply contractor is visiting of profile exhibitions in China. The decision of this question needs assistance of the skilled pilot which well is guided in exhibitions in China, knows the schedule of carrying out of the most effective exhibitions and takes all organizational part of visit on itself. At exhibitions in China it is possible to get acquainted with tenders of manufacturers and to make the list of the most interesting tenders. However for good result it is necessary to be able to carry on correctly negotiations with the account of "the Chinese specificity» which Europeans by determining do not know. For the conclusion of the successful contract it is recommended as to take advantage of services of the pilot which will defend interests of the customer.

Favourable business becomes only in the event that all passes without surprises in accurate conformity with conditions, contractual.

The buyer needs to be assured that he has really concluded the contract with the reliable supply contractor, the contract is signed by the authorised person and there are no other reefs.

It is not enough to conclude the successful contract, it is important as to achieve its strict observance. Delivery terms should be observed strictly, quality and quantity – to be supervised. Many manufacturers are disciplined very much by prospect of future quality surveillance and quantity of the goods the representative of the customer on a place.

Summarising it is possible to tell that for successful business with the Chinese companies it is necessary to have the reliable partner in China which will incur: search of factories and factories of China, check of reliability of the supply contractor, quality surveillance and quantities of the goods and as will render a wide spectrum of marketing services according to specificity of the concrete customer.

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